I decided to do something a little bit different for this post. I just began reading the book of Revelation and am finding that the messages Jesus has for the seven churches to be very applicable to my own life. In the end of each message to a church, Jesus offers some form of hope when we encounter trials in this world. If we overcome these trials Jesus has rewards stored up for us. I decided to summarize all the rewards Jesus talks about if not for others' benefit simply for my own. Writing things down seems to help me process thoughts and retain them much more effectively. The following summary is from chapters 2-3 of Revelation.
The one who conquers:
-Will eat of the tree of life
-Will not be hurt by the second death
-Will receive some of the hidden manna
-Will be given a white stone with a new name that no one knows except for he who receives it.
-Will be given the morning star
-Will be clothed in white garments
-Will never have his name blotted out of the book of life
-Will have his name confessed before my (Jesus') Father and his angels
-Will be made a pillar in the temple of my (Jesus') God
-Will have the name of God, the name of the city of God,the name of the new Jerusalem, and Jesus' new name written on him.
I'm excited.
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