Sunday, August 1, 2010


It occurred to me today on a training run that the sport I participate in must seem very peculiar to those that don't do it. The entire thing makes no logical sense when you look at it at first glance. I go out, run for miles a day, have to eat the right foods, drink the right amount of water, avoid other foods, and all for what? About 3.1 miles of pain. What kind of reward is that? Why don't more people find this appealing...? To me though I have learned so much through my experience with running that my life would have a huge hole in it if God had not brought it into my life. I can't explain all that running has done for me but I can offer a few examples that hopefully make my running seem a bit less bizarre to you outsiders.
One way I think about it when I go out on a run or do a workout is the fact that God's given me a gift and it would be insulting to simply throw away a gift or not fine tune it. If someone gives you a car as a gift would you crash it or would you attempt to keep the car in prime working condition? When God gives you a gift you don't throw it out; you use it to make the giver of the gift proud that he gave it to you.
When I run it's the same as if I was in church singing praise songs. Every race is an act of worship. It may not seem like worship to those who watch, but that's how I feel when I get on the line. This also makes it worse, however when I have an off-day. It feels as though I've let God down.
Running has also taught me the power of prayer. I've only told two people this, but about a year ago when I was on a training run I started thinking about states. Keep in mind this is the summer of my Senior cross country season. I remember praying to God something along these lines "God if its in your plan please give me the strength to win states for you and not for myself. If it's not in your plan for me to win I will accept that, but I want to try to win gold for you." I kind of forgot about this prayer actually until a few months after my states race. I'm not trying to say for a second that I knew I was going to win, but I know now that if you pray for something with the intent of accomplishing it for God, God will use you.
Running is very comparable to a healthy Christian life. The constant discipline, faith that that you're doing will make you stronger, the perseverance to get through hard times, and most of all Faith in your Coach (God). I look back on my high school years and know now that God was intending to use me for that one race not for the glory or the gold medal, but to show me that God works in amazing ways and does indeed answer prayers. I hope now that you can somewhat understand why I do this sport and have learned so much from it.

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