It is now the fourth day since I have been under the knife.The swelling has gone down from the aftermath of Day #3 (aka the Doomsday of Wisdom Teeth Removal), and I am beginning to eat foods. I suppose I am eating more out of desperation than actual recovery from my surgery. A man can't really be expected to live on soft foods for so long a period of time. The biggest struggle for me this entire week has been having to deal with a body that is recovering when my mind is completely healthy. What I mean by that statement is this; My mind was ready to be going out, running, eating, doing things, but my body was still stuck in recovery phase. This drove me crazy. It's like being stuck in a cage; only the cage is your own body. I have never watched so much television in my entire life and I never want to again. I will say though I have come out of this entire week with an ability to relate to druggies. I have discovered the lure of Vicodin. Not that I have become addicted, I merely mean that I could see why it would be easy to fall into a trap of becoming addicted to it and becoming one of the kids in my school that are known to sell and use Vicodin on a daily basis. This week has also given new meaning to Philippians 4:12, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want". Although my face is swollen, my teeth have been replaced with stitches, and I'm stuck drinking soft foods, I am alive and I know that good will come from all of this.
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